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2017 Student Art Contest

2017 Student Art Contest

   [typography font=”Bubblegum Sans” size=”50″ size_format=”px” color=”#b30e2a”]2017 Student Art Contest[/typography] [typography font=”Cinzel Decorative” size=”21″...
Law & Order: In honor of Buddy Jackson

Law & Order: In honor of Buddy Jackson

Law & Order In Honor of Buddy Jackson Stop by Westmoreland County Museum to see our current exhibits, running through mid-November. “Law & Order: In honor of Buddy Jackson”.  If you can’t make it in person to see our exhibits, watch our...
First Female Mayor in Northern Neck

First Female Mayor in Northern Neck

First Female Mayor in the Northern Neck Mary Morris Sumner It seems to be the year for women to break the glass ceiling.  With Hillary becoming the first female nominee for a major party, Westmoreland County Museum decided to wrap our Fall exhibit into this historic...