The majority of research material held by the Wesmoreland County Museum is available for on-site use only. This page contains suggestions for resoures to assist with local history and genealogy research.
Beginning resources: Books
Eaton, David, Historical Atlas of Westmoreland County, 1947.
A thorough atlas of historical Westmoreland County that contains land ownership information. Access it here.
Flemer, Carl, Four Centuries of Little-Known Washington Parish History, People, Places, and Events, 1991.
This out of print book, was written by Mr. Flemer provides an introduction to the Oak Grove area beginning in the 1600s. Access it here.
Mallory, Dal, Westmoreland County Virginia Cemeteries, 2009.
This is an excellent resource to begin with when researching cemeteries in the County. Mr. Mallory has also contributed many research essays on local cemeteries that can be found in the hanging files in our library.
Norris, Walter, Westmoreland County Virginia 1653-1983, 1983.
This book is the primer on all things relating to Westmoreland County.
White, Edward, Colonial Lands and Roads of Westmoreland County, Virginia, 2020.
This text contains maps and details combing through the land records of the County.
Family Histories
Not an inclusive list
Balderson Family
Blake Family
Robert Beheathland and Allied Families
Berkley family
Belding Family
Carter Family
Chinn Family
Dabney Family
Duchemin/Dishman Family
Doctor Richard Edwards Family
George Eskridge Family (1655-1983)
Fauntleroy Family
Fitzhugh Family
Eldon and Florence Hankins Family
Harvey Family
Rice Hooe Family
Anthony Morris Johnson Family
Jones Family
Lee Family
McCarty Family
Michaux Family
Monroe Family
Muse Family
Norwood Family
Omohundro Family
Packett Family
Peachey Family
Pope Family
Reamy/Remy Family
Roe/Wroe Family
Sanders Family
Sanford Family
Scates Family
Tidwells Family
Washington and Allied Families
Mitchell Wilson Family
Magazine of Virginia Geneaology
Vols. 32-51, missing 37 (1994-2013)
Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Magazine
Vols. 1-69 (1951-2019)
The Virginia Geneaologist
Vols. 1- 20, 34-50 (1957-1976, 1990-2006)
The William and Mary Quarterly
Assorted Vols. 1922-1983
The Journal of Southern History
Volume 40, No. 1-4, 1983
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register
Vols. 155-156 (2001-2002)
The Bulletin of the Northumberland County Historical Society
Assorted Vols. 3-47 (1966-2010)
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
Vols. 102, 108-119 (1994, 2000-2011)
National Geneological Society Quarterly
Vols. 10,11, 39-54, 72 (1921-1923, 1951-1966, 1984)
Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Resesarch
Vols. 55-82 (1982-2009)
The Virginia Cavalcade 1952-2002
We have a variety of local yearbooks dating back to the 1930s including The Oak Leaf, The Rebels, The Generals, The Kernal, and Washington and Lee High School
We have a micofilm reader available for use, and the following collections.
US Census, 1790-1920, including schedules for the enslaved (1850 & 1860) and the 1890 Widows and Vets special census. Our microfilm only covers data collected for Westmoreland County, VA.
Northern Neck News,1879-1953
Potomac Interest, 1947-1960